About Us
SpeC Finance also known as Specialised Customer Finance, refers to our comprehensive understanding that finance applications and assessments will vary from simple to complex.
We understand that every person is different and so is every individual’s financial situation. No matter how simple or complex you think your circumstance are, we are always more than happy to assist our clients to reach their finance goal. Whether you are financially ready now or in a few months or years to come, we are here to help.
The journey to obtaining finance can be daunting, frustrating or even a blur. Our goal is to make the process as simple and easy as possible. We will deal with the lender(s) behind the scenes, the back and forth and ensure you are kept well informed throughout the process.
You can rest easy knowing we have the necessary accreditations and qualifications to find you a suitable finance product. We can start the process from the comfort of your home or our office which ever you prefer.
Ultimately our goal is to get our clients approved all the way through to settlement. We work for you and not the bank so your finance is in our best interest. It important to understand that our finance brokers will not proceed with any type of finance that may cause substantial financial hardship or you are at least better off under the new arrangement or similar. Upon making our assessment of your position, if we don’t feel comfortable with the figures or situation, we will not proceed and advise you of the decision.
Your privacy is very important to us and all information provided will be kept completely confidential. Please refer to our ‘Privacy Policy‘ for more information.